Christianity settles for “good” that it, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory with two millenia of fractured friction, turns into “bad”. Wouldn’t you prefer “perfect”?

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Christianity settles for “good” that it, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory with two millenia of fractured friction, turns into “bad”. Wouldn’t you prefer “perfect”?
Don’s voice goes from perfect to quiet. I know what is happening and it is easy to fix. One solution is to try a lapel mike? Cut down on the country music? Or is it just me?
Still waiting to see Christians to grow a severed limb out . . . The swindler selling “healing tones” on a CD for $149.00 should try it once? Copeland, you have lots of books and tapes and such on this, WHEN YA GONNA GROW A LIMB OUT?
Gawd how many verses are there to this last miserable country song?
Please some jazz, funk or motown, anything. Promote me to Heaven fast !
Yes I am aware of the modulation probs. I hav switched from a usb mic (Audiotechnica) to an sm58. And since moving the studio, have ended up thus, and if i compress to equalise, I end up with too much clipping to put to air. AAAAArrrrggh! Hey if you don’t go fo my 1-4-5 with harmonies…. I am only too happy to change up the music to whatever you favour. Hey, I know what! Send me some music that will gel with the show! LoLz Really! I’ll play it. 😉
I really could care less about the music but when Mike mentions something about it, I do laugh and applaud. I’m here for the teachings and equally for the funny banter between you two.
I wouldn’t think there’d be a need for much compression or gating so on if the mike was stationary right in front of you but then, certain music affects people is strange ways. Mike sounds fine and he doesn’t listen to country music. Just saying
MERRY CHRISTMAS to the best ministry in the world. Love you guys.