The Scriptures are either all true or all pointless. If you ditch a text or a premise, how do you then use that same text to bolster your other claims? We all to often think that what God has tels us SOMETHING about, He has told us everything about. That is simply ignorance gone to seed! We address that issue in this powercast as we hear from Ryan Farrel, Kent Lindsay, and James Gustafson.
We finally wrap up the current series by observing that the thorns and briers referred to in Hebrews 6, were all laid upon Christ in His crown of thorns, as all that had preceded Him in His quest to fulfil the final evolution of God, was laid upon his brow in a spectacular climax to every type and shadow in the Scriptures, which in His own words, were all about Him.
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“Better have a goat handy”. I can’t wait to say that to someone.
Resurrection of the dead is past tense. I’ve read that many times, never sunk in because I was never taught the Gospel in church.