If you have never thought of religion being the most political power in history, then fortunately, you have never been that close to it. Religion above any other pursuit of humanity, is about politics, and politics is all about power. The New Testament is merciless in revealing how well this works, right there in the book of Galatians. To this day, religion wants us to think that there was no conflict between the Apostles, but all one has to do to see the lie in that, is to read in context, research in concert with historical evidence, and remember that while the victors ALWAYS write the history, it is fairly certain that they didn’t count on us joining the dots for ourselves.
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The Tally, Aug 2018
The tally started the day Jesus left the earth over 2000 years ago right up to today
* Christian sermons, book and CD sales on prosperity and ” how to
get God to …” – Millions upon Millions times a million and counting.
* Severed limbs grown out – ZERO.
” Houston, we have an accountability problem here. ” Seems that most church goers just don’t care about being scammed and Jesus being discredited and mocked. They get to keep their church friends at least.
What an amazing Bible study! I have heard this before from you guys but this time you went deeper. It is Crystal clear to me now that Paul was at odds with Peter James and John and if you try to mesh his gospel with theirs you get Frankenstein’s monster. Ican testify that the CPR of the gospel is absolutely necessary. The gospel has set me free but I personally was drawn back into legalism under the guise of it being necessary not for salvation but in order to progress deeper with the Lord and be an ‘overcomer’. The trap has an almost infinite number of ways to snag you, but the CPR of the gospel safeguards me. Helps me to keep the SIMPLE truth in mind that salvation is Jesus alone. False gospels/teachings are so obvious in light of this simple truth. No more being tossed about to and fro! Thank you guys so much for all you do! I love how you study the Bible in context and reveal amazing things no one else has seen. No one I’ve ever heard about anyway.