The full title for the Bible book of Acts, is The Acts of the Apostles, or if you prefer, the Actions of the Apostles. Perhaps it would be better named the factions of the Apostles.
This week, thanks to a question from Gary Helms, Mike and Don start to explore the two quite different churches in the New Testament. You might be surprised to discover that all was not rainbows, unicorns and happy reunions, as you may have been led to believe. In fact, at times, the new Testament Church had more intrigue than a penny dreadful cheap detective novel. And after all that we still didn’t get to address the question from Gary Helms. Oh well, there is always next week.
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Very interesting divide that went on. Christians need to rethink what they believe.
Peter started christianity. Can anyone defend his sacrificing animals for purification 20 some years after Jesus ascended into heaven?
No one can and they don’t care or they are not taught about this. Peter sacrificing animals might get them thinking, which in christianity is wrong.
I love the ” learn how to think instead of what to think ” slogan.
Paul was demanded to deny Jesus by James, Peter and John!
Hi Guys,
I been going through the James the Jerk pod casts again and chewing on Acts as well as Numbers 6. Most of what you are saying is shedding light deeper into my moth eaten brain and I am getting the picture. I could use some further clarity on Paul’s interaction with the 4 men who took a vow. James goal was for Paul to take part in the vow somehow to prove his kept the law. correct?.. then… 1) Why didn’t Paul say no to James face and tell him that he would not keep the law? 2) why did it appear he went along with the 4 and James instruction? In other words did he do anything that the law required to please James or for fear of James? 3)
Acts 21:26 when it says —was the 4 purified “together” …. each one of “them” was offered— did that “them” include Paul or did it just refer to the 4 men? ==== Concordant Literal says ” vs 26 Then Paul, taking the men along (on) the next day, being purified together (with) them, had been in the sanctuary, publishing the full completion of the days of purification, till the approach (present) for each one of them was offered. — so is the men the subject of the sentence? and the “them” referring to the 4 men? thereby indicating Paul was not a part of them and the vow or was he? Thanks