In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Don Bartlett discuss the next section of Jim Richards’ letter against Mike and the gospel. In this part of the letter, Jim quotes part of what Jesus said about knowing “them” by their fruit, which leads Mike to address not only the context of the quote but also the major underlying reason why Jim wrote this diatribe against Mike and the gospel in the first place.

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These liars like Sid Roth ( sp? ), just like a politician whom you voted for, if they go astray, it’s YOUR fault if you don’t give them hell. You can’t help if your politician went against the campaign promises but you can quit supporting them. In this case, the people in the pews who are too lazy or who will not honestly evaluate the ministry, they are the enablers. Why be that way? Is anyone fooling God?
When has anyone seen an arm grow out or a blind person given their sight? Dont pew people care or is it just pay your weekly dues and you’re fine?
Put some bowling balls in your pockets and stand up against this lunacy. NO ONE in any ministry is doing the miracles and healings they claim YOU can do by following their CD’s and sermons. Doesn’t that matter?
Cower like little beat down leppers and go back to the pew weekly or face God for once and say ” I believe you saved me and did it all for me and if not, NO ONE CAN “.
I blew it with the pew people so forget me but everyone is welcome here, welcome to think for yourself, whatever you decide. Sounds like Jesus to me. This ministry says Jesus did everything for you. Christianity says you have to help Jesus. Pick one.
I let Sid Roth know that Jesus is not a little Lamb that is a personal saviour but I told his youtube site that jesus Christ is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the WORLD, glowray