In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett take on one of the most outlandish claims made by Jim Richards in his letter against Mike Williams and the gospel. We also got to hear from Rob Vacanti in Minnesota and Vic d’Obrenan in Alberta, Canada.
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Excellent podcast. I was impressed by the orderly way that Mike deconstructed the faulty and dishonest points in the letter.
Also, you mentioned that some may wish to comment on the binding and loosing statements of Jesus in Mt 16:17-19.
Her is how I see this. Simon gets a revelation from the Father and Jesus renames him Peter/Petros,.. Little stones broken off the big stone or Rock. Then he says upon this Rock/Petra,.. Big rock that little stones are broken off of.
The revelation was that Jesus was Christ. He is the big revelation. We get little revelations as we renew our minds to the Gospel of grace and peace. All add up to Christ. The revelation that Jesus would build the church out of.
Peter immediately denies what Jesus says about going to the cross. He is binding on earth. Not allowing the Spirit to teach him.
We have the ability to resist the Spirit. That is binding. Accepting is loosing something,… Freeing our minds.
Whether “heaven” is referring to after life or inner life we are stuck with what we allow ourselves to accept or reject of the gospel of grace and peace.
Both Peter and the writer of the letter demonstrate the problem with being half bound up and half loosed. A mixture of law and grace. Jesus demonstrated it with Peter at the very moment he went from revelation to savoring the things of man.
It is revelation that is the rock that Jesus built the church upon. Not Peter.
I think y’all’s message is outstanding (am I allowed to say bitchin’?)!!!
I give Shean permission to say ” bitchin’ “.