In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Don Bartlett take on one of the most sensitive statements in Jim Richards’ letter against Mike Williams and the gospel. In this passage of the letter, Jim uses a quote from the Bible to define what knowing Christ is. It actually was a defense of applying the law and connecting it with knowing Christ , when actually Paul the Apostle said the law was what kept him from knowing Christ.

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This gets better each week. Now we have “Doctor” Bartlett? Just because of this Jim guy? Went from Beres to Don to Doctor Don. O.K. I guess. Love it.
Mike, I remember when the movie ” The Last Temptation Of Christ” was out, and how Christians and my pastor at the time Doctor Judy Ellingson ( someone with a real doctorate degree) said ” God had
lightning hit the studio because of the movie. The Mike mentioned that they had the best insurance and would get a new better studio, which they did. Christians just are not allowed to think.
As for Doctor Jim, how bad are YOU if you preach Christianity and you lost your congregation? That is dang near impossible. Christianity is about the easiest sales gig in the world. YOU must really come off negative or something.
can you explain again about knowing them by their fruits- I missed part of that due to my computer issues